is a virtual video archive of contemporary fairy tales and folklore of the past.

As an ancient way of socializing, fairy tales transfer lived experience through time. By telling and retelling fairy tales we learn about the traditions, rituals and underlying beliefs that came to the world a long time ago.
Working with the different conceptions of reality, I can’t ignore the power and domination of the new virtual, especially the strength of the Internet and social networks.
Last year, I felt that I needed to dive into the digital world deeper and look at the Internet as a mirror of our society, to mythologize it. So, I started working on the project “Post Meta Neo Mythology”. I am collecting people's dreams and myths, by creating an artistic tool for people to create their own fairy tales.
This project started in July 2020 and was supported by Amsterdams fonds voor de kunst, Wilhelmina Jansen fund and Bank Giro Loterij fund.
I am grateful to the project "Fairy Tales to Grandchildren" and activists of the spaces “My Social Center”. Personally, to Olga Timofeeva who connected me with grandmothers and grandfathers for the fairy tale recording via zoom, and shared with me selected fairy tales collected by “My Social Center”.
Concept & costumes & editing by Lyubov Matyunina
Sound by Konstantin Guz
Video & color correction by Konstanta Vision